What is Impact?

Impact electives offer another opportunity to gather as a body and encourage one another as we engage in studying Scripture together. Over the years, we have offered a variety of classes covering all parts of Scripture as well as offerings that cover specific topics such as biblical counseling, marriage, and parenting.

  • After reading the descriptions below, choose the class you would like to attend.

  • Dinners are $3 per person (Max $15 per family).

    Register on the class form below or click HERE

  • Childcare and classes (birth-4th grade) are provided for free! Please register your children so we know how many you have and which age group they belong to.

    Register HERE

  • Head, Heart, Hands: Your Faith in Action

    A team of teachers led by Heath Casey

    Wednesdays | Starting March 27th | 6:30pm

    Do you long to deepen your faith and live it out in a meaningful way? This course is designed to equip you to be a wholehearted follower of Christ.

    Inspired by Mark 12:30, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength,"

    Here's what you can expect:

    Head: We'll explore the Bible together, fostering a strong understanding of scripture and its application in daily life.

    Heart: We'll delve into spiritual formation practices that nurture your relationship with God, cultivating a deeper love and devotion.

    Hands: You'll gain practical tools to actively serve others and participate in the work God has prepared for you (Eph 2:10).

    This class will equip you to:

    Develop a strong biblical foundation: Learn how to interpret and apply scripture to your everyday life.

    Grow in your love for God: Explore practices like prayer, worship, and reflection to deepen your relationship with Christ.

    Discover your ministry: Become an active servant in your church and community.

    Maintain an eternal perspective: Live with purpose, knowing your actions have eternal impact.

    Join us as we journey towards becoming wholehearted followers of Christ, putting our faith into action with all that we are!

  • Financial Peace University

    Led by Jay Rhodes

    Wednesdays | Starting March 27th | 6:30pm

    Are you overwhelmed with the bills? Do you want to be generous but struggle as you live paycheck to paycheck? If money creates stress in your life, friction in your relationships, and you just want to handle money God’s way, then take this life-changing class and set the trajectory of your family’s financial future.

    In FPU you’ll learn:

    • How to create and stick to a budget

    • How to communicate with your spouse and work together to achieve your goals

    • How to pay off debt and then invest wisely

    • What types and amounts of insurance you need

    • How to live generously as you apply God’s wisdom to your finances

  • It Started In a Garden

    Led by Monica Reed & Jim Bruns

    Wednesdays | Starting March 27th | 6:30pm

    Have you ever thought about starting a garden? Do you think it would interesting to learn more (and maybe teach your kids!) about the miracle of how plants develop? Or the fact that salad greens don’t spend their entire life in a plastic clam shell?!

    Starting in Genesis, God blesses us with plants and he forms Adam from the soil of the ground! (The line literally reads "And YAHWEH God formed the man, soil from the ground." (Gen 2:7)

    In our class we are going to explore where to start, how to get set up, what to grow and when. We are blessed to have the Fellowship Garden as a teaching tool, and we would love for you to come see what’s growin’ on!! (more plant puns to be provided in-class)